Book Recommendation: Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom

“We become programmed with a set of upper limits for what we believe we deserve in life. That includes how healthy, how prosperous, and how well loved we can expect to be. These beliefs operate in our subconscious, under the radar of our everyday consciousness. But they unerringly attract to us experiences that reinforce what we already believe.” 
― Christiane NorthrupWomen’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom: Creating Physical And Emotional Health And Healing

945778_549268605117349_883073140_nOne of the first books that I read about obtaining good health and healthy habits was Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom by Dr. Christiane Northrup. Much of the information was new to me and it provided a great foundation for re-thinking good health and how to obtain it. That was over 19 years ago and now at the age of 41 and 16 years cancer free I look back and realize that I have to share this information with others. If there is even the smallest possibility that a life can be improved or that another woman, man or child  can be blessed with some of the benefits that this book has brought to me then I have to share it.

Changing how I thought about myself and illness was key to feeling better and for getting better. In Islam it is taught that we should seek forgiveness when we fall ill which is profound because an aspect of seeking forgiveness requires repentance, which in part requires re-thinking. Re-thinking about ourselves, our lives, our relationships to others and our relationship to the Creator.

Personally, my issue that seemed to be at the heart of my illness was love. Once I started on the path to correcting how I love my health, my life and my relationships began to get better. We all have different things that we struggle with in life but I’ve learned that we have to remember to remain hopeful, and to have faith that we can heal.

May this post, and this book, be of benefit!